Database import or export via SSH

Often, it is more convenient to import and export databases not through the phpMyAdmin interface, but using terminal commands, connecting to the server via SSH. This is especially useful when you need to load or unload a large database.

Database import:
1. Pre-upload the database dump file via FTP or through the control panel

2. Connect to the server via SSH and enter the command:

mysql -u db_user -p db_name <db_dump_file.sql

Import to remote server:

mysql -h Server_type -P port -u db_user -p db_name <db_dump_file.sql

Export (create backup):
1. Connect to the server via SSH and enter the command:

mysqldump -u db_user -p db_name> filename.sql

Export from a remote server:

mysqldump -h Server_type -P port -u db_user -p db_name> file_name

A dump of the database named filename.sql will be saved to the root directory

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